Personal Octahedron

Self-empowerment is the big lesson here on Earth
~ St Germain

The octahedron is one of the Platonic solids. The Platonic solids, discovered by Plato, are also sometimes called the Cosmic solids due to their connection with Nature. The Octahedron represents the Element of Air and is the sacred shape of balance and harmony. The Personal Octahedron is an energetic container created around your body and activated through your intention and imagination. These two actions, intention and imagination, are two of your most powerful tools. Once programmed, the Personal Octahedron has many functions. It is a frequency filter that only allows positive high vibrational energy to enter it. It becomes a protection grid against negative entities, spirits, and imps; it becomes a grounding device keeping us firmly rooted to Mother Earth; it becomes a harmonizing container balancing Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies creating Divine Unity within; it holds our gifts and blessings from the past without the negative trauma; it helps keep us in line with our Perfect Path, our Divine Destiny.

We can activate our energetic octahedron to help bring about harmony to our own bodies and energy fields using the power of imagination and intention. The octahedron is the sacred geometry of balance and harmony. It aligns us with the frequencies of infinite love and intelligence, allowing for steadfast grounding to Mother Earth as we connect with Source. It is a way to empower ourselves.

I will talk you through the activation and programming of your personal octahedron. It becomes a permanent energetic structure around you once you have programmed it.

“Self-empowerment is reclaiming our essence.”

⏤ Pukalani, My Higher Self

What You'll Receive

This is a live 45 minute Zoom session where we will meet and I will walk you through the activation of your personal octahedron. You'll receive detailed instructions and recommendations on a daily practice going forward.

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  2. I will email you and we'll agree on a time to meet on Zoom
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Personal Octahedron

We can activate our energetic octahedron to help bring harmony to our own bodies and energy fields using the power of imagination and intention. We’ll set up a mutually agreeable time to meet on Zoom for the activation of your Personal Octahedron.

75.00 CAD

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Have a beautiful day!